How to Use Forum Posts to Make Your SEO MORE IFFICIENT

Forum posts are same like a article submissions & Forum posts are becoming a more and more popular way of increasing the page ranking of company websites and individual blogs alike. Forums are communities the members of which share the same interest and passion and are willing to disseminate information about the topic that interests them, helping each other solve related problems.
Given these special features of forums, posting comments that provide help for one or more users while also referring to your own website or blog can benefit your sales not only by establishing you as a helpful and knowledgeable vendor or service provider, but also by drawing attention towards your products and services and increasing the page ranking of your website by providing high-quality, organic back links.
Forum posting is similar to online article submissions, with a few major differences, Both SEO articles published on directories and forum posts involve the creation of content with the triple objective of providing help with a problem frequently encountered by your audience, of directing targeted traffic towards your own website and improving the position of your site on search engine results pages.
Both types of content need to be structured around carefully chosen keywords and provide relevant information. Articles and forum posts need to have relevant titles and they need to address a specific problem encountered by those interested in your area of activity.
Just like in the case of articles, with forum posts too you must avoid verbosity and fluffy content – posts that simply thank for the contribution of the previous entry will never yield the desired results; what’s more, you risk getting your post deleted or your entire account banned from the forum. If your contribution is really valuable for the other forum members, your reputation will improve, you can establish yourself as an authority in your recommendations will be regarded highly and followed with interest by other members.
